Article 1 (1) An Association carrying out socially useful activity – 'THE BLUE ABYSS' is a non-profit legal entity, which is established according to The Non-profit Legal Entities Act, The Statue and the decision of the Management board.
(2 )The Association is divided from its members and is responsible for its obligations with its property
(3)The members are responsible for paying their membership fee.
(4) The non-profit Association 'THE BLUE ABYSS' determines its own status as an association that shall carry out socially useful activity in the area of physical training and protection of the environme
Article 2 (1) The name of the association is An Association carrying out socially useful activity – 'THE BLUE ABYSS' that can be written in Latin
(2) Every written announcement on behalf of the Association shall include its name,
residence, address, data connected with its registration including Bulstat Number.
Article 3 The seat of the Association is in Plovdiv; the address it is quarters is 25 Polokovnik Bonev Street, Plovdiv
Article 4 (1) The aims of the Association are: to develop and popularise underwater diving and cave activity; to carry out training activity in the area of underwater diving and cave activity; to organise sport competitions and tournaments in the country and abroad; to organise schools for underwater diving and cave activity for young children; to build anf maintain sport facilities and equipments; to motivate practicpating of underwater diving and cave activity among students at schools and universities; to organise and motivate people to improve their physical preparation and education; to organise and manage training process and sport competitions among all its members, as well as to attract and motivate young generation to practise underwater diving and cave activity; to organise events for protecting the environment.
(2) To make connections and contracts for coordination and common activity with similar, national or foreign clubs, organisations, associations and commercial companies in order to accomplish common aims, to make connections and exchange of experience in the area of underwater diving and cave activity.
Article 5 The Assocition shall achieve its aim through the following means:
- membership fee;
- incomes from giving sport service to the citizens;
- incomes from different projects for financing the Associtaion and sport competitions;
- donations and sponsorship;
- resources given from the country;
- resources given from international organisations;
- other resources available according to the present legisaltion
Article 6 The Association shall carry out the following activities:
- to popularise the underwater diving and cave activity;
- to organise and manage the preparation of all the members of the Associtaion;
- to organise children and juvenile schools for underwater diving and cave activity;
- to organise and realize inner sport calendar as well as to participate in the republican sport calendar;
- to organise semminars and other events for protecting the environment
- to build and maintain sport facilities and equipments for carrying out the training process of underwater diving and cave activity;
- Sport- recovering services and other procedures;
Article 7 The Association is not limited with terminal or another completing conditions.
Article 8 The members of the Association shall be physically able people or legal entities who would like to use the activity of the Association and accept the conditions of this Statue.
Article 9 The membership in the Association is voluntary. Each candidate gives a request to the Management board, in which they declare they are familiar with the conditions of this Statue and accept them. The candidates- legal entities present, with a request, copies of their documents for registration and the decision of the board for a membership in the Association
Article 10 (1) The admittance of any new member is on the base of written request to the Management board, signed by the person, in which he/she requests the membership. The request shall contain all the names, Identification number and address or Bulstat Number
(2)If the Management board decides that the request for membership corresponds to all the requirements then it is admitted.
(3) The resolutions of the Management board according the former paragraph may be appealed in front of the General Meeting
(4)The founders of the association are considered as members with the signing of the contract of the Association
Article 11. The members of the Association possess the following rigths:
- to praticipate in the management bodies of the Association;
- to be informed about its activity:
- to use the products of the activity of the Association according to the decrees of this Statue;
- to leave the Assocition of their own free will;
Article 12 The members of the Association are obliged:
- to follow the decrees of this Statue and to observe the resolutions of the Association board;
- to participate in the Association activity and to work in order to accomplish its aims;
- to raise the Association authority, to help for increasing its property;
- to pay in their membership fee defined according to the terms of this Statue;
Article 13 The rights and obligations of the members, with the exception of its property, cannot be transferred from one person to another in case of death and respectively in case of termination of the membreship;
Article 14. The membership on the Association is terminated:
- with a single notice from the member to the board of the Association;
- death or setting under complete juridical disability;
- expulsion;
- cessation of the Associtation activity;
Article 15 A member of the Associatio shall be expel with a resolution of the the General Assembly and after a motion from the Management board , when:
- the member does not his/her duties according to Article 12;
- the member carries out other activities that make his/her future membership in the Association incompatible;
Article 16 When there is a termination of the membership the Association does not own refund of the membership fee;
Article 17 The management bodies are:
- The General Meeting;
- The Management board
- The Chairman
Artcile 18 (1) The General meeting is a supreme body of the Association and it consits of all its members.
(2)The legal enities participate in the General meeting via individuals that represent them;
(3)The members of the Meeting shall authorise, with a certain written letter of attorney, another
individuals to represent them in the General Meeting. The representatives have the rights to represent no more than three members simultaneously and to reauthorise third parties.
Article 19. The General Meeting:
(1) Amment and supplement the Statue;
(2) Approve other internal regulations;
(3) Elect and release members of the Management board;
(4) Admit and expel members
(5) Resolve on opening and closing of branches;
(6) Resolve on participating in other organisations;
(7) Resolve on transforming or terminating the Association;
(8) Approve main directions of the programme for the Association activities;
(9) Approve the budget;
(10) Resolve annually on the collection and amounts of the membreship fee or properties payments
(11) Approve the report on the activity of the Management board;
(12) Repeal of other decisions of other bodies of the Association, which contravene to the law, the Statue or other internal regulations of the Association;
(13) Resolve on all other questions, which come into it competence according to the Law or this Statue;
Article 20 (1) The General meeting is convened on a meeting of the Management board according to its initiative or by demand of at least 1/3 of the Association members. Where in the lattter case the Management board fails to forward within one month invitations in writing for convening of the General meeting, the General meeting is convened by the court by seat of the Association written requets by the concerned members or a person autorised thereby.
(2) Regular accountable- election meeting is carried out obligatory once per year
(3) The invitation for the General meeting shall be in a written form and shall contain the agenda, the date, the time and place of the meeting and by which initiative the General Meeting is convoked. The invitation should be sent to all the members address, written in book of members- at least 14 days before the General Meeting.
Article 21 The General Meeting is deemed legitimate if it is attended by more than half of the members of the Associtation. If the required number of members fail to attend, the meeting shall be postponed with an hour under the same agenda and should be deemed legitimate regardless of the number of attending members.
Article 22 (1) In the General Meeting each member shall have one vote:
(2) The General meeting shall pass its resolutions by simple majority of attending members with the exception of resolutions under Article 19, points 7,8 and 9 which shall be passed by qulified majority of all the members of the Association.
(3) The voting is carried out openly, with the exception of the cases when a resolution has been taken the voting to be carried out secretly.
(4) On connection with questions which have not been included in advance in the agenda and announced decently, the resolutions cannot be made. Regardless the cases of releasing members from the Management board and electing new members on theit positions.
(5) On the meeting of the General Meeting, there is a protocol, which is signed by the Chairman and the person who writes it.
Article 23 (1) The Management board consits of three members who are elected by the General Meeting with a mandate of up to four years.
- The members of the Management board could be reelected without any limitation.
- The Management board consits of the Chairman and the members. The Chairman of the Management board is also a chairman of the Association.
Article24 The Management board shall:
(1) Represent the Association and define the representative authority in front of the its members.
(2) Ensure the execution of the General meeting resolutions
(3) Despose the Association property at observance of the requirements of this Statue;
(4) Prepare and submit in front of the Geneal Meeting a project of the budget;
(5) Prepare and submit in front of the Geneal Assembly an activity report;
(6) Determine the way and organise the performance of the activity of the Association, including this with common benefit and bear the liability for this;
(7) Determine the address of the Association;
(8) Decide upon all matters other than matters falling within the competence of the General Meeting;
(9) Execute liabilities, presented in this Statue;
Article 25 (1) The Management board is convened on a meeting by means of written invitation from the Chairman of the Association to all its members and at least one week before its performance. The invitation shall contain the date, the time and place of the meeting and its agenda.
(2)The Management board is deemed legitimate if it is attended by more than 2/3 of its members.
(3)The Management board shall take its decisions by simple majority of attending members and in case of equal number of votes, thevote of the Chairman is essential with exception of resolutions on Article 31, point 6 which are adopted by simple mandatory of all members.
(4)The Management board can make a resolution without performing a meeting if the protocol about this resolution is signed with no riders by all the members of the Management board.
Article 26 (1) Each member of the Management board can be released before the expiring of his/her mandate with a decision of the General Meeting if:
1.1. Certain legal obstacles appear for his/her participation in the Management board.
1.2. He/She does not consistently perform his/ her liabilities ensue from this Statue
1.3. He/She does infringements or another activity, which can harm the reputation of the Association.
(2) Each member of the Management board can leave it with written announcement to the Management board, and his/her release can be performed by the General Meeting.
Article 27 The Chairman of the Association performs the operative management of the Association and represents it in front of all government bodies and third parties.
Article 28. The Chairman shall :
- represent the Association;
- decide upon all the current matters, which are not of exceptional comptence of the General Meeting;
- is responsible of executing all the decisions of the General Meeting;
- preside at the meetings of the General Meeting and the Management board;
- control the current legal use of all financial and material resources;
Article 29 The Association is obliged to maintain books for the protocols from the meetings of its common bodies. The person who has precided at the meeting and the person who has written the protocol declare and are responsible for the veracity of the its contain.
Article 30 (1) The Management board of the Association prepares an annual report for its activity which shall consit data upon:
- important activities of the Association, the expenses spent on their accomplishment, their relation with the aims and the programmes of the Association and the final results.
- the size of the grant properties and the incomes from other activities for raising money
- financial result;
(2) the annual report for the activity and the financial report of the Association are presented in public and are published in the Central register for non-profit legal entities carrying out socially useful activity.
Article 31 The property of the Association may consit of:
- rights upon movable property and real estate, membreship fee, donations, purpose funds,
sponsorship, voluntary instalments, and other resources available in accordance with the present legislation.
- membership fee is determined by the General Assembly;
- voluntary instalments, grants and donations;
- other resources available according to the present legislation;
Article 32. (1) The Association may use its property and carry out the activity to achieve the aims, determined in this Statue.
(2) The selection of individuals and their support by the Association is carried out in accordance with the aim and the financial abilities of the Association. The information about the order, according to which the selection is done, is available to the public and is written in the Central Register.
Article 33. (1) For the free disbursement of the Association property is needed a motivated decision., made by the the General Meeting with majority of 2/3 from all its mambers, when it is in the benefit of:
- individuals from other Association bodies and their spouses, close relatives- without any limitations, collateral relatives- to the fourth stage, or by marriage- including the second stage;
- individuals, who were part of the Association government bodies up to 2 years before the date when the decsion is taken;
- legal entities, who finance the organisation up to 3 years before the date when the decision is taken;
- legal entities, among individuals from point 1 and 2 who are managers or may impose or
impede from taking the decisions.
Article 34. The Association may make deals wit individuals in accordance with Article 33(1), as well as legal entities, among whom are managers or may impose or impede from taking the decisions, wit the acception of deals in evident benefit of the Association or deals made in accordance with the common conditions, announced in public.
Article 35. (1) The Association is terminated:
1. upon a resolution of the General Meeting;
2. if it is declared insolvent;
3. upon a resolution of the Regional Court in the place of the Association
Article 36. The Association may be transformed in another one that carries out its activity in private benefit.
Article 37 (1) In case of termination of the Association liquidation shall be performed upon a resolution of the General Meeting apart from the cases of its transformation.
(2) The liquidation is performed by the Management board or by a person authorised by it.
(3) The liquidation is performed in accordance with the ordeer dtermined in the Commercial Law
Article 38. (1) The property, which remained after the satisfaction of the creditors, shall be made upon a resolution of the Court to an association with similar or close non-profit aim, if such is not defined in the Statue or the isntrument of the constitution.
(2) If the property is not distributed in accordanec with paragraph 1 then it is conceded to the municipality which the legal entity belongs to. The municipality is obliged to concede the property for performing commonly useful activity which is closest to the aims of that of the terminated legal entity wit non-profit aim
Article 39. Any changes in this Statue may be performed in accordanec with the order determined
in it and with the Non-profit Legal Entities Act.
Article 40. In regard of interpretation and application of the decrese of this Statue are applied the
decrees of the common Bulgarian legislation and the decrees of the Non-profit Legal Entities Act.
This Statue is adopted with the votes of all the members who attended the General meeting of the
Association with non-profit activity 'THE BLUE ABYSS', which was held in Plovdiv on 17
February 2011.